Gratitude + Tools To Navigate Stress

Let's have a real talk. As November further unfurls, you'll be swimming in messages that spotlight gratitude. And while that's beautifully important, I’d like to dive into something that’s equally needed in the midst of storms, challenges and complex conversations.

You know the ones that can send you reeling?

A memory surfaces: a while back, on a day that began like any other, I faced a setback – and really a verbal and personal attack that left me staggering. Shocked, really… And in that moment, against all data and practicality, self-doubt surged… it was so palpable. The attack was reflective of something said to me in my youth, that, for a time, had defined me - how I viewed myself and the world. I was young and I didn’t know better. So these words, meant to drive a dagger where it would be most felt, resurfaced that wound.

Fear and anger boiled, and I could feel its potential to take over. Its potential to guide my thoughts, my actions, and my state of mind. But in that same instant, I also saw something different, a glimmer.

That glimmer beckoned me to breathe, to not respond, and to pause. To have compassion.

I was able to unhook my brain from stress and fear (harnessing the advice and direction I so often give others), and that piercing moment quickly transformed into a series of stunning realizations.

Not only was there tremendous learning which seeped into my bones, but the biggest gift? The opportunity to re-write a decades-old narrative, and to choose how I wanted to integrate and embed that moment and its meaning.

The reminder? Every moment is an opportunity to choose differently. To rewrite narratives, and to rewire the way we respond to our triggers, to our anger and to our fears.

Because when we act from a place driven by the above, the results? Ineffective at best, and but more often than not, destructive to ourselves and beyond.

🌊 The 3 C’s: A Compass for Navigating Rough Seas 🌊

  1. Compassion: There is a wild misunderstanding that compassion is complacency. Rather, true compassion is fierce, and it facilitates our second C, Clarity. Embrace yourself with the same warmth and understanding you'd offer a dear friend. Extend that gentle compassion to others too – In doing so, you'll find setbacks morphing into bridges of connection and healing.

  2. Clarity: Amid life's whirlwinds, PAUSE. With that fierce compassion, take a courageous moment to truly see, to discern the path ahead. By doing this, you not only navigate your immediate surroundings but also the broader canvas of life, ensuring you and those around you thrive.

  3. Conscious Action: Actions speak louder than words, but conscious actions echo into eternity. Empowered by compassion and guided by clarity, make choices that are thoughtful and deliberate, considering both personal well-being and the collective good.

💌 Redefining Gratitude & A Special Invitation 💌
While gratitude is the buzzword of November, let's redefine it. Don't just be thankful for the peaks; find strength and gratitude in the valleys. Those challenges? They’re not stumbling blocks; they’re stepping stones to our brightest self.