Season of Reflection, Joy & Growth 🍁

As December unfolds, the world around us glitters with twinkling lights, echoing laughter, and shared moments of joy. And while the festive spirit is palpable, there's another energy that December carries — one of reflection, transition, and growth.

Earlier this year, we delved deep into understanding the nuances of Imposter Syndrome, discerning judgment from discernment, rumination, and the peaks and valleys of stress. As we round the corner into December, I want to invite you to use the insights from our past exchanges as tools for navigating this special season.

✨A Mindful Pause✨

Remember our chat on rumination? From packed schedules filed with festivities travel plans and year-end deadlines, it's easy to get trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts and what feels like must-do lists. Whenever you catch yourself spiraling or getting caught-up in the mental mayhem, take a mindful pause. Feel the ground beneath your feet, tune into your breath, and reconnect with the present moment.

❄️Judgment vs. Discernment❄️

During this season, as families gather, old patterns can be quick to resurface, sometimes leading to judgments. It's an opportune time to revisit our October exchange: discernment simply views facts without emotional baggage, while judgment divides. Before making a quick judgment, pause, and practice discernment. This will not only enhance your personal well-being but also foster deeper connections with loved ones.

🎁Gift Yourself the Gift of Growth🎁

While this season is about giving to others, it's equally important to gift yourself. No, I'm not talking about that trendy gadget or designer wear. I'm hinting at something far more precious: a deep connection with + truly meeting yourself and your potential, beyond barriers and unconscious limits and way past what you imagine possible

As we close this chapter and prepare for a new year, imagine the power of gifting yourself a spot in the Radical Mindful Leadership Accelerator. It's more than just a program. It's a journey of deep connection, of self-discovery, empowerment, and lasting transformation alongside other amazing leaders.

It's about ensuring that your 2024 aligns more authentically with who you truly are and the you, you are ready to step into.

🌟Laying the Foundation for the Grand Finale🌟

In the spirit of building on our past newsletters, next month we'll be wrapping up the year with a grand finale – focusing on setting intentions and dreams for 2024. But before we jump ahead, savor December. Let's be present in each moment, cherish every connection, and anticipate the magic that lies ahead.

To a mindful, joyous, and December!