Empowerment through Choice: From Fear to Courage with Ancient Wisdom👵

Everyday we stand at a crossroads; faced with decisions and choices that shape our lives. 

And while it is said that it's the big moments that define us,  I argue that it is in the micro-moments, the ones that seen insignificant, where our character and resilience are cultivated. These micro-moments can strengthen our core OR, if we are not mindful, send us spiraling down a vortex of destructive thoughts and actions, knocking us off kilter, distancing us from what we desire most.

This parable brilliantly cuts straight to the heart of truth, reflecting the power of choice in those micro-moments:

The Essence of Our Daily Choices

Every day, multiple times a day, we stand before these wolves, and the choices we make, particularly in  fleeting moments, shape our reality. They determine whether we live a world dominated by fear and division or one flourishing with compassion and unity.

It's in what we choose to say, and what we withhold, how we to engage, the actions we take and the thoughts we entertain.  

And whether those thoughts are directed at ourselves or others, it makes no difference because feeding the wolf of shame, malice, righteousness: it eats at our core, and destabilizes our peace and influences our actions towards ourselves and others.

In leadership, as in life, it can be tempting to take the path of least resistance, succumbing to ego and anger And it's understandable; beyond whats largely modeled, there's a dopamine kick associated with it, making it both addictive and fleetingly rewarding. But as enticing as it may be, this path is treacherous in the long run.

A Personal Reflection: The Journey Toward Compassion

Acknowledging the presence of these wolves has been transformational for me. Feeding the wolf swayed by ego had become habit, shaped by influential figures and authorities who promoted a dog-eat-dog kind of world and/or were accustomed to putting others down ( self included) in order to feed the need for power.

While these influences can infiltrate our own mannerisms, how we think and behave towards others and ourselves, the road to unlearning - to feeding the wolf of curiosity, fortitude, resilience and peace - is life changing.  It requires constant (compassionate) vigilance and an unwavering commitment to growth and wellbeing. 

But what I can assure you is this - when you consciously choose which wolf to feed, your world transforms. Each of us will experience this change differently.

A Challenge for You: Which Wolf Will You Feed?

As we forge ahead, I extend to you a challenge: In every decision, every interaction, consider deeply which wolf you are feeding. This is not about an aggressive vigilance, but rather a compassionate awareness, knowing that without awareness we cannot be at choice. But with awareness we can choose… and while we may choose the more perilous path from time to time, we opt to reflect on the chain reactions and results and choose differently the next time we find ourselves at similar crossroads.

This is not merely a choice but a profound responsibility. Our thoughts, words, and actions hold the potential to transform not just our lives but the world at large.

Let us be active architects rather than passive dreamers of a brighter future. Each choice we make lays a brick in the foundation of the world we wish to inhabit, a world where leadership is synonymous with empathy, integrity, growth and genuine connection.

As always, if you are ready for more guidance on “how” and tools, reach out, and let's connect!  Whether for 1:1 coaching or corporate work programs that build resilience and enhance mental and emotional wellbeing, we've got you covered!