The Antidote To Anxiety’s Merry Go Round

Have you ever had a date with anxiety? I mean, who hasn't, right? Maybe you're nodding your head thinking, "Yesterday? Today? Now???😂"

If you've never dealt with anxiety, feel free to move to the next post, however if you have, let's talk about the merry-go-round of anxiety, specifically, good ol' #rumination.

You know, those times when you're trapped in a hamster wheel of thoughts, spinning without really getting anywhere? Your brain says that this exercise is necessary - requisite - and that it's a really fabulous use of your brain capital - and yet it gets you nowhere.

Morra Aarons-Mele nails it in her recently published Harvard Business Review article How High Achievers Overcome Their Anxiety:

"What distinguishes rumination from helpful processing is that it doesn't provide new ways of thinking, behaving, or solving the problem. It just covers the same territory again and again, keeping us locked in the negative mindset."

Imagine being stuck in a loop of worries, labyrinths of rumination, wandering over the same pathways again and again, without liberation and a clear path out, never mind forward. It's exhausting. Familiar?

While it's cozy at times to snuggle with those worries and play out future scenarios, ultimately it renders us frozen and disempowered to take meaningful steps in our personal and professional lives.

However, There IS a light at the end of the rumination labyrinth.

.....Superhero of the Hour? 😍 YES. Mindfulness.

Amid the labyrinth of life, Mindfulness shines a light on the rumination maze. Rather than being stuck inside, Mindfulness helps you step outside the maze so that you can adequately assess, read it like a map, and then properly plot the right steps to move forward.

What's more, as we navigate the complex landscapes of our lives, Mindfulness enables us to become aware of when we get caught in the rumination cycle and UNHOOK from its clutches.

With every mindful pivot, we transform ourselves from rumination captives to solution-savvy warriors. We're talking about breaking free, taking action, and watching our growth skyrocket.

Share your thoughts: Has rumination ever hindered your ability to take vital steps in your personal or professional journey? I'd love to hear your insights and experiences.

Ready to leverage the power of Mindfulness and brain-based tools in your life, leadership or organization? Reach out, let’s connect.