Use This 1 Olympic Trick

It’s shockingly simple. It makes Katie Ledecky, Russell Wilson, and Tom Brady successful.

It’s how pro-athletes and olympians train…and it’s how they (and you) engender success.

One (sports) term for it? Frontloading.

So what is it? 

It’s when you plan in advance for a stressful situation so that you can maximize your reaction and response. 

Let me offer a bit more insight.

Often we “plan in advance” for stressful situations, by ruminating over them. Raise your hand ✋ if that sounds familiar.

The result?  If/when the situation or response we anticipate occurs, we are just as reactive as we imagined we would be, if not more. 

Why? Because we frontloaded an overreaction. We justified why that was a valid response and we trained ourselves to behave and respond accordingly.

The good news? 

We, like the most successful gamechangers, can frontload a more effective, less reactive, more innovative response.

By frontloading, we can not only visualize circumstances, and what reactions (of ours) can debilitate a desired outcome, but we can see ourselves CHOOSE a new response, best aligned with and most likely to generate our desired result. 

It’s a simple, insanely powerful game changer for innumerable clients and leaders. 

How does it work?  

It requires awareness, intention and focus. 

First ask yourself: 

What is the best possible outcome? (for a meeting, event or conversation)

Then ask yourself:

What unconscious habits, thoughts or reactive tendencies of mine can undermine that outcome?

Next ask yourself:

What new actions and thoughts do you want to replace that with and train, instead?

Finally - and critically:

Visualize the circumstance. See yourself, perhaps “urged” to take an old action, and SEE and FEEL yourself replace that with the new chosen action. 

Why does this work?

The brain doesn't know the difference between perceived reality and actual reality. And by leveraging this fact to your benefit, you can “practice” as many times as you need. Because each time you do, it strengthens and deepens that groove in your mind, making it far easier to automatically take the new, more aligned action, when necessary. 

And while it is simple, it is not necessarily easy. But it’s absolutely essential if you want to change your game. 

Ready to change your game? Let's talk!