Coming Home




When we’ve lost – stability, structure, a certain sense of knowing or comfort – what can we come back to? 

I was reminded recently that our bodies, our hearts, our being- that’s home.

The doormat saying, 'home is where the heart is,' is wildly accurate, perhaps without intending its double entendre.  'Home' is quite literally where the heart is - within. You alone are the first brick and the whole house.

The more we connect to ourselves, even in (and especially in) the midst of an external storm, the more we find ease and peace wherever we are.

So how?

How do you connect to yourself?

Each time something devastating or disrupting has happened in my life, my yoga practice has been that place where I begin to come home; where I am able to find the connection to peace, once again. And recently, it's not just my mat, but also my meditation practice. For some of my clients, it's painting, it's dance, it's writing, cooking, creating and more.

While not all of my readers have the same practices, what is yours? In what way do you feel connected to yourself?  How do – or can – you come home to yourself?  Where do you start and in what way can your "something" be the landscape under which your build your home?

With love,
